We advocate on all animal protection and exploitation issues, including experimentation, factory farming, rodeos, breeders and traveling animal acts.
Yonkers Rising
February 6, 2015
The recent arrest in the Yonkers cat-killing case shed light on the dire
need for education and resources for homeless animals and the people trying
to help them. This story received nationwide attention, as many people were
upset over the details that emerged. The Cat Protection Council is calling
on the media to meet with its members, as well as representatives of other
rescue groups, to tell their story.
It is suggested that such as story could expose the limited number of animal
cruelty officers available to handle the 1,000 or more calls and investigate
animal cruelty cases per year, and show how the spay/neuter clinic of the
new Yonkers Animal Shelter is still not being used – even though it’s been
open for a year and a half.
The Cat Protection Council would like to see animal cruelty highlighted,
including what to do if someone sees or suspects animal cruelty, numbers to
call, and more.
“The media can be so helpful in situations like this – examining causes,
informing people who would not otherwise have any idea about the needs of
the voiceless and their protectors – yet might become engaged after learning
about them,” said council spokesperson Kiley Blackman.
“Especially now, during brutal winter weather, it’s the perfect time for the
media to show compassion for the most helpless members of our society. The
animals have nothing; the press would be doing a wonderful and gracious
service by devoting a segment to showing how caring people can help them.”
The story could let the public know what more needs to be done: How do
people with low incomes get medical treatment for their sick pets? How do
they get them spayed or neutered?
The number of animal shelters and number of animals they can accommodate –
and the need for more this area – could also be highlighted, and reporters
could meet with rescue groups to discuss their importance and the
difficulties they face.
The rescue groups need help – they have no facilities for holding animals
for recuperation or adoption; they don’t receive any funding; they spend
their own money for pet food, litter and medical care; and volunteers (and
group officers) don’t receive any compensation. For more information, email
[email protected].
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WESTCHESTER4GEESE is an adjunct of ANIMAL DEFENDERS OF WESTCHESTER. We advocate against all forms of animal abuse and exploitation, including hunting, experimentation, fur, circuses and rodeos - https://www.facebook.com/Westchester4Geese