We advocate on all animal protection and exploitation issues, including experimentation, factory farming, rodeos, breeders and traveling animal acts.
FROM Lohud.com
July 16, 2018
Black bears are our neighbors in Westchester, Rockland, animal activist says.
Recently, Amherst residents were horrified when police shot and killed a
harmless black bear that had been hit by a car, but still walked around, not
bothering a soul. The police and the state Department of Environmental
Conservation have been widely criticized for this needless, cruel shooting.
The community created a memorial for him at the site he was slaughtered; one
resident poignantly reflected, "We had begun to consider the bear a
Wildlife can manage and adapt on three legs, and bears can be tranquilized
and treated or brought to sanctuaries; grievously, there was a wildlife
sanctuary nearby.
It is time we learn to coexist with our wildlife, who have every right to
live here peacefully as we do, if not more so. Inflammatory articles raise
fear and loathing, such as The Journal News/lohud.com's that states: "The
black bear population is on the rise. An estimated 3,000 roam the
Southeastern portion of New York."
While we kill bear merely for sport, they are rarely harmful to us. While
the media hysterically points to black bear numbers, not one word is ever
said about the influx of humans wanting roads, cars, housing and food
spreading into habitats, wetlands, soiling the water and air, clear-cutting
acres of trees daily, which developers are more than happy to do.
Wildlife contributes to ecology — even tiny chipmunks are seed dispersers.
Communities need to have a clear plan to both teach residents how to live
peacefully with wildlife, and a coordinated effort with the DEC and local
police to humanely transport animals only when absolutely necessary.
The DEC has been very negligent thus far, despite having taxpayer-funded
equipment, resources and humane contacts. Westchester has been pretty good
in these situations, though shamefully still allowing hunting in our public
Articles warning of "thousands" of bears will harm animals. You wouldn't do
it to people — don't do it to those who have no voice.
The writer, Kiley Blackman, is founder of Animal Defenders of Westchester.
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WESTCHESTER4GEESE is an adjunct of ANIMAL DEFENDERS OF WESTCHESTER. We advocate against all forms of animal abuse and exploitation, including hunting, experimentation, fur, circuses and rodeos - https://www.facebook.com/Westchester4Geese