We advocate on all animal protection and exploitation issues, including experimentation, factory farming, rodeos, breeders and traveling animal acts.
Mark Lungariello,
March 28, 2019
Animals euthanized by licensed veterinarians not reported on forms reviewed by lohud.com
More than 1,200 dogs, cats and other animals were euthanized at area
shelters over a three-year period from 2015-18, New York state records
But those records represent only a fraction of the shelter animals put down
in Putnam, Rockland and Westchester counties as most euthanasia in New York
isn’t tracked on public records.
The Journal News/lohud obtained quarterly reports from the state Department
of Health showing the numbers of animals put down in shelters and societies
in the northern suburbs from midway through 2015 until summer 2018. The
department only supplied reports for four of at least seven shelters in the
three counties, meaning the others either didn’t kill any animals in their
possession or farmed out any euthanasia to veterinarians.
“Consistent with state regulations, only animal shelters and humane
societies that do not use a licensed veterinarian to perform euthanasia, and
wish to euthanize animals using euthanasia technicians at their location,
are required to be registered with and submit quarterly reports to the
Department,” Jeffrey Hammond, a health department spokesman, said.
At least one of the local shelters that didn’t file any forms said it didn’t
have to because any euthanasia was contracted out to a licensed
veterinarian. Asked if the others were similarly exempted, Hammond referred
to his original statement.
Private veterinarians aren’t required to fill out the forms because they
are regulated by the Veterinary Board of the state Education Department,
according to Hammond. So both veterinary euthanasia or shelter euthanasia
performed by a licensed veterinarian aren't logged on the forms.
The forms are required, in part, to track two controlled substances that are
used to put animals to sleep: the anesthetic ketamine – known by its street
name of Special K – and lethal sodium pentobarbital.
An analysis of the records showed:
A previous analysis by The Journal News/lohud uncovered spotty record
keeping from 2014 through the middle of 2015, with the state only able to
provide records for three of seven shelters in the area. Records for one of
those three shelters were incomplete.
A spokesman for one of the four that wasn’t included, the Mount Vernon
Animal Shelter, said in 2016 it mistakenly didn’t file the reports but would
correct the problem. This time around, four shelters were represented – but
no Mount Vernon records were provided.
It isn’t clear if that’s a record keeping issue or if the shelter used a
licensed veterinarian for any euthanasia. Calls to the Mount Vernon
Department of Public Safety, which runs the shelter, weren’t returned.
The Journal News/lohud made a second request through the state Freedom of
Information Law in July 2017, asking for 12 quarters worth of reports dating
back to 2015. The state fulfilled the request five months later, but this
time it appeared to have provided all the forms it had in its possession.
Shelters largely 'no kill'
The state provided full records for The Humane Society of Westchester,
Yonkers Animal Shelter, Hi-Tor and The SPCA of Westchester.
It didn’t provide records for the Mount Vernon shelter, The Hudson Valley
Humane Society in Pomona and The Putnam Humane Society in Carmel. Michele
Dugan, president of the board directors at the Putnam society, said the
facility is 'no kill' and any animal euthanized because of a terminal
condition is shipped out to a veterinarian.
“We’re proud of the fact we’re a true ‘no kill’ shelter,” Dugan said.
In fact, most of the shelters in the region identify as ‘no kill,’ although
there is some variance over what exactly that means. Most shelters that call
themselves "no kill" don’t euthanize for space, but they may still put to
death animals that are terminally sick, injured, or too aggressive to be
safely adopted.
The term is broadly discussed in the animal advocacy community, with
shelters' missions and their ability to raise money.
Putnam, SPCA of Westchester, Hudson Valley Humane Society and Humane Society
of Westchester identify as no kill, while Hi Tor identifies as "high save"
and says it only euthanizes for medical reasons or if an animal is deemed
Lisa Bonanno, director of events and communications for the SPCA, said
the shelter has numerous dogs that have been there for more than a year and
a few that have been taken care of for nearly four years.
"We work very hard to rehabilitate our animals so euthanasia is only done in
the most severe of cases, which is why we have quite a few long term
residents here who have patiently been waiting for a number of years to find
their new homes," Bonanno said.
SPCA lists annual reports of its intake, rehabilitation and euthanasia
numbers on its website.
State law requires municipalities that issue dog licenses to either maintain
an animal shelter or have contracts with private shelters. Yonkers and Mount
Vernon run their shelters.
Numbers by shelter
But even with 'no kill' tags and a widely accepted goal of a 90 percent save
rate, a large number of animals met their ends at shelters over the
12-quarter period reviewed.
The Humane Society of Westchester, formerly The New Rochelle Humane Society,
reported putting down 447 cats and 180 dogs during that time. It also
reported euthanizing 23 birds, 17 rabbits, 10 squirrels and other animals
The SPCA of Westchester reported euthanizing 102 cats and 56 dogs. Many of
the cats put down were newborn kittens with no chance of survival, its
spokeswoman said. There is a private clinic at SPCA that sees thousands of
owned animals per year for spaying, neutering and vaccines. SPCA reported
non-shelter clinic euthanasia of 74 cats and eight dogs during the same
Hi Tor reported 267 cats and 55 dogs euthanized.
Yonkers reported 45 cats and eight dogs put down.
There didn't appear to be any comprehensive numbers tracked for the amount
of dogs and cats euthanized statewide on an annual basis. The American
society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals estimates 1.5 million dogs
and cats are euthanized per year in the country. That number - 670,000 dogs
and 860,000 cats - is actually down from 2.6. million in 2011.
Controlled substances
The small amounts of controlled substances missing from Hi Tor was blamed on
a former worker who left in May 2015 in "not the best of terms." The worker
"placed the remaining drugs in a locked box and would not give us the key
until we had a new drug agent in place," according to Hi Tor's form filed
with the state for the third quarter of 2015.
It took the group four months to get a new drug agent, using a licensed
veterinarian to euthanize animals in the meantime. "When we finally opened
the box we found that the previous drug agent had left needles in the
remaining bottles and we believe the drugs dissipated due to the needles
being left in them," the form said.
Christina Gilmartin, a spokeswoman for Yonkers, said the shelter reported
some lost sodium pentobarbital due to spillage. Asked by The Journal
News/lohud why the shelter hadn't reported using any ketamine, Gilmartin
said it was because the drug wasn't obtained under the shelter's license but
through the veterinarian brought in to use it for sedations and surgeries.
"However, after consulting the NY Health dept., Yonkers will be reporting
the use of it going forward," Gilmartin said in an email.
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WESTCHESTER4GEESE is an adjunct of ANIMAL DEFENDERS OF WESTCHESTER. We advocate against all forms of animal abuse and exploitation, including hunting, experimentation, fur, circuses and rodeos - https://www.facebook.com/Westchester4Geese