We advocate on all animal protection and exploitation issues, including experimentation, factory farming, rodeos, breeders and traveling animal acts.
FROM TimesUnion.com
February 18, 2022
All but three of New York’s horse racing tracks would likely close without subsidies provided by the state, a recent study found
On summer days, thoroughbreds worth tens of thousands of dollars thunder
around the track at Saratoga Race Course, competing for jackpot winnings and
the triumph of victory.
In the white-and-green grandstands, women in wide-brimmed hats and men in
suits cast bets and toss back cocktails. Out on the lawn, veteran
enthusiasts beat a path between the tellers and their beach chairs, smacking
programs and assessing their odds. At this track, there’s lots of money to
be won — and lost.
While nearly every horse racing venue across the country shows visible signs
of the sport’s overall financial decline, Saratoga appears to be running as
smoothly as ever. That’s because, in New York, there is one key player
bankrolling the sport at unprecedented levels: state government.
Horse racing in New York has been propped up by more than $2.9 billion in
state taxpayer dollars and government-directed benefits since 2008, a Times
Union investigation has uncovered.
The Times Union spent more than six months examining the horse racing
industry in New York and beyond, conducting dozens of interviews with key
stakeholders, from trainers, owners, scientists, investigators, track
operators and lawmakers to advocates who believe the sport is cruel and
should be shut down. The newspaper also sifted through court records and
reviewed data sets on testing, injuries, equine deaths, taxpayer subsidies,
enforcement and more.
That’s more than twice the money New York budgeted for the state Department
of Agriculture in the same time period, and 13 times what it spent on
veterans’ services.
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