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Our Sermon Section
Comments by Frank and Mary Hoffman - 28 Nov 2007

In Reference to: 27 November 1994 - EXPECT JESUS TO COME AGAIN

Dear Heidi:

Thank you very much for your comments.

When we look around the world, it really does look like a God-forsaken place, mainly because it's ruled by the prince of darkness. But we need to put this in context with what the Bible teaches us about our role. As the example used in the sermon for Romans 8, where the whole of this corrupted creation groans for the revealing of the children of God to free it from its corrupted state. Instead of working as being peacemaking children of God, most churches are working to further the corruption or hold an indifferent or selective eye on what they consider compassionate.

While reviewing this sermon for publishing on the Internet, we thought about the same examples that you did, and decided not to mention them, in the hope that people would see that the present state of these "plagues" has increased in the past 11 years, just as you did. So, you have confirmed that our decision was correct. Thank you!

In the Love of the Lord,

Frank and Mary

Go on to: Comments by Bernie - 9 Dec 2007

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