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I too have personally heard the reasoning that the animals are already dead. People just often don't reason very well or find whatever excuse they can.
Ray, I think of you as a friend, but I believe I have also mentioned several times that I don't think that coming across as being better than non-vegetarians is beneficial to the cause. PLEASE REMEMBER that even vegetarians could be considered responsible for running some animals out of their homes and their deaths--in such situations as clearing land for new construction and probably in the production of grain and vegetable crops, among other scenarios.
It's interesting to me that the focus can be so different among different vegetarians. I don't expect a majority of people to give up meat soon, so my opinion is that we just need to help in whatever ways we can--through education, rescue, donations, etc. I don't think that anyone on this Earth is completely "enlightened". Eating habits are just one aspect of a person's life. I know that I have personal habits that I could eliminate and which have nothing to do with eating or not eating meat. Perhaps part of enlightenment is patience, tolerance, and finding the best ways to make this world a better place for animals and humans.
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