Mark Edgemon has been writing for 30 years. He writes and publishes short stories, articles, poetry and scripts, as well as, produces audio comedy productions for over 700 radio stations nationwide.
Contact Mark through his website, Creator and the Catalyst.
In a righteous world, everyone would help everyone else. But in this world, you should not be so free-hearted and help everyone who has a need. With preditors and con men waiting for the kind-hearted, knowing full well how to play them, a person must help as God directs. To do otherwise, is to at least waste your time and to the most…court danger.
According to the scriptures, “cast not your pearls before swine, lest they stomp them under their feet, turn again, and rend you”. Because the unblessable have their wires crossed, they hate themselves and eventually, everyone that helps them. They’re soured on life.
Of course, they’re happy to receive help, when they need it. But give it time and they will not only resent the help that was given, but those who gave it. In some cases, they may plan to harm, verbally or physically, those who gave to them, when they needed help the most.
It’s a sad thing, but it is true. Jesus knew this and that is why He asked His Father in heaven to protect those who were His. This is why He spoke of wolves among the sheep and wolves in sheep’s clothing. People who pretend to be interested in God are often baiting the gracious helper.
Even members of one’s own family may be the very person who is unblessable.
Without a clear indication from The Lord, a person should not help someone, without praying about it first, meaning…if it’s not an emergency, put some distance between you and the person in need for at least a few hours and pray over it. Peace and joy will be your ways of telling, if you should help or not and if so, how much. Praying and getting God’s mind on helping others is time well spent.
Copyright © 2007 Mark Edgemon
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