Mark Edgemon has been writing for 30 years. He writes and publishes short stories, articles, poetry and scripts, as well as, produces audio comedy productions for over 700 radio stations nationwide.
Contact Mark through his website, Creator and the Catalyst.
Have you bought your chocolate bunny today? It is the true meaning of Easter for most people. No carnal person likes hearing about the suffering of Christ.
If every thought of man is about how to please himself, then who would be interested in a calling, a selfless purpose chosen by God for every person who breathes.
We’ve heard that Jesus loves us and most people love Him in a general, conceptual, non committal kind of way. But a relationship with Him is lost to most people. We cannot believe, that our only purpose in life is to walk and talk with Him.
The first man was created to have fellowship with God…and so were we. This is the reason we’re here. The only reason.
If you try to serve God, without a moment by moment conversation with him, it will become dust, have no impact, serve no purpose and will be a complete waste of time.
In the Bible, Mary chose to sit at Jesus' feet, while Martha was busy cooking supper. When Martha complained to Jesus about the work load, He told her that Mary had chosen the better part.
The only thing that God wants from us, is an unbroken and loving relationship. Any work He wants from us, will be born out of that relationship. If you place the cart before the horse and serve Him, without making a complete and total commitment to do things His way, then in actuality, you’re not really serving Him, you’re just wasting your time.
The only reason God would ever want you to serve Him, is for people to feel the presence of God on you…so they will know it’s possible. You lead by example.
Jesus did arise…not only from the grave, but inside those of us…who will accept Him…His way. You can’t keep a good man down.
Copyright © 2007 Mark Edgemon
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