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Articles - Mad Cow Disease

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Woodstock Animal Rights Movement

A Store For Life

P. O. Box 746
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Mad Cow Disease Articles

In Humans

"Compelling scientific evidence suggests so-called prion disease can and has infected humans... at present, there is no reliable antemortem diagnosis, specific treatment, or vaccine to prevent the disease. The agent thought to be responsible for this unusual class of disease is a rogue protein (called a prion) that, unlike all other agents known to cause infectious disease, contains neither DNA nor RNA. The "bad" prion forms holes or a spongy appearance in the brain in all disease variants, hence the generic designation of spongiform encephalopathy." [Quintessence International, 1998 May, 29:5]

"A 24-year-old vegetarian has been diagnosed with Cruetzfeld-Jacob disease. Scientists fear that milk and cheese may be the source of infection." [Michael Hornsby, London Times, August 23, 1997]

"The destruction of milk from suspected cows was recommended in England to insure the public's safety... Experiments also indicate that temperatures reached during pasteurization of milk and household cooking does not kill the agent. In the United Kingdom on December 1, 1988 the government announced a ban on the sale of milk from infected cattle..." [Virgil Hulse, M.D., Mad Cows and Milkgate]

"Transmission of prions from infected cattle to humans by oral intake seems no only possible but also very probable." [Annals of Italian Medicine, 1998 Oct, 13:4]

"How many people will come down with the disease from having eaten British beef is literally incalculable, because people typically are infected with nvCJD for 10 to 30 years before symptoms appear." Cited in "Deaths From CJD..." John von Radowitz, Medical Correpondent, PA News, Jan 20, 2000 [02.06.27:10]

"...the expected rate of occurrence of CJD (the human variation of mad cow disease) has been 1 in 1,000,000 people. Up until the advent of mad cow disease, CJD was, literally, a "one-in-a-million" disease. Yet in one U.S. study, when people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease (whose symptoms can be difficult to distinguish from CJD) were examined after death, 5.5% of the presumed Alzheimer's victims were found actually to have CJD." Boller, Francois, et al, "Diagnosis of Dementia: Clinicopathologic correlations," Neurology, Jan 1989, pg 76-79 [02.06.27:12]

"And in another study, at Yale University, when people diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease were examined after death it was found that 13% of the presumed Alzheimer's victims actually had CJD." Manuelidis, E.E., et al. "Suggested links between different types of dementias: Creutzfeld-Jakob disease, Alzheimer disease, and retroviral CNS infections," Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, Vol 3, Nos. 1-2, 1989, pgs 100-09 [02.06.27:13]

"Four million Americans are currently diagnosed with Alzheimer's." Estimate from Alzheimer's Association, Chicago, IL [02.06.27:14]

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Your comments are welcome

The Meat Free Zone (MFZ) campaign is intended to make the MeatFreeZone logo as recognizable a symbol as the "Smoke Free Zone". The idea was originally conceived  when The WARM Store in Woodstock, NY, was in operation throughout the '90's (Woodstock Animal Rights Movement).  The store was truly a meat free zone as it was the first cruelty-free, Vegan, socially conscious animal rights store in the United States.  Now  that  the Vegan and Vegetarian movements have been growing so rapidly, more and more people are showing concern about the food in their diet and their overall  health and nutrition.  Many people are giving up eating fish, chicken, beef, pork (pigs ), dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream) and eggs.  Headlines of Mad Cow disease, E-coli and salmonella are in the news with greater frequency.  Vegan and vegetarian recipe cookbooks are standard now  in all bookstores and many restaurants have added Vegan and Vegetarian options to their menus. We hope you will help us with the Meat Free Zone campaign by putting the signs up in your homes and workplaces and by spreading them to all the vegetarian and vegan restaurants that you know and frequent.  And someday we will have true "meat free zones" in establishments that serve meat. (d-4)

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