Folks Discuss the Anthrax Scare
Folks discuss the anthrax scare
While chewing burgers rare;
They aren't aware,
Nor seem to care
What germs are lurking there:
Dangerous microbes in their meat,
Prions that defy the heat,
Feces (now, that's quite a treat!)
(Milk and meat I will not eat!)
"Irradiation is the way,"
That's what so-called experts say:
Treat our food with atom's ray.
Don't worry about a future day
When mutant microbes go astray,
While nutrients have fled away:
Deny, and look the other way.
No enemy can do more harm
Than what may come from a factory farm.
Yet anyone who cries "alarm"
Risks being sent to a "funny" farm.
Food-borne illness is our bequest
It hastens the day of eternal rest.