Frolicking, scampering, chasing, free as air,
The boy and dog exult in each other's company.
Running over the spiky grassed sand dunes,
Careless of thought, enjoying this moment of euphoria,
They tumble to the ground and roll over and over,
Boy laughing, dog barking in glorious empathy.
Out of breath, they sit in warm sociability.
The eyes of the boy mark him out as different,
Disabled, unable to compete with his peers.
The non-judgmental dog gazes devotedly at his master,
An unbreakable bond between Boy and Dog.
Rose-Mary Gower, North Wales, UK 2001
This poem was inspired by watching our son, John-Paul (16) who has Down's Syndrome, playing with a relative's dog. We adopted John-Paul when he was a baby, he has brought joy to our lives and we are truly blessed to call him our son.
Copyright Rose-Mary Gower 2001