His Love is holding,
Keeping HIs children
Behind His impenetrable Wings
In the Shadow of His Shields we are still
The Time of His Coming
Draws near to a present Time
Rumblings are heard
Flashes of Lightning split clouds in half
Opening a Way for The Way
The Rumbling is led by a Roar-
The Lion's Roar..
The Rumbling of Horses
A steady Thunder
Jealousy has come and laid hold of me...
My Teeth are New
I am a King, Crowned
And I know Every Thing.
I am a Child of God.
Cleared and Cleansed
In Fine Linen
I am in the Herd
My Horse is Fierce...
I am Fierce.
Our countenance is completely SINCERE.
Our Swords are Tempered in Tribulation
And our Spirit is of The Lion...
And I am here to do the Will of my Father Who is With me.
And The Word of God's Robe drips of blood.
No Force can hold us back
Our Strength is incomprehensible to flesh and demon
It is the end of the Harvest.
The Children with their Father
The Great and Terrible Day of our Lord
A Day of Reckoning.
Who could stand?
None, and all will bow to Him.
Even so, the Goats and Sheep
Reside never more, one with the other.
Hear the Rumbling of the Elect
Eager to Battle.
Who will believe what they see?
But there will be weeping
And gnashing of teeth.
And Terror will overcome them.
And hell will contain them.
In timelessness, forevermore.
Author Note:
We suffered so that we became a Sacrifice for God. And God is True and
Faithful and Saved us. Amen