Dedicated To Our Cousins of the Deep
I hear a voice,
both deep and far,
it haunts my heart and leaves its scar!
Listen to that thundered beat,
from these denizens of the deep,
their hearts beat loud and clear,
for all the world to hear!
But man is set upon the seas,
that he might kill my brothers,
their fathers and their mothers,
then their sons and then their daughters,
and those young ones yet to come!
Our tears will flow,
our hearts will cry,
for those who are condemned to die!
Harpoons will men let fly,
to that will Death's heart lament,
into their hearts we did send,
those harpoons of evil men,
with all of man's cruelty they did descend,
in ships of evil brought by evil men.
Now they descend on them with harms intent,
they will bring them now asunder,
this great and gentle heart,
that we might take his flesh apart!
Now men shall eat,
of their sweet meat,
to further his gluttonous joy,
what was served was an infant boy,
upon his platter fell his tears of joy,
as he devoured that baby boy!
These men that kill,
for lust of blood and evil greed,
these our friends,
our brothers born to their sorrow,
all will end when they have done,
killing off our cousins and our friends,
made barren these oceans and their seas,
hunted unto extinction empty are the oceans
empty are their seas,
in our sadness and in our sorrows,
will come the dawning of our black tomorrows!
These who were our cousins,
now are lost to man forever,
for little less than human greed,
and that gluttony of our human needs,
so we shall suffer in eternity,
in atonement for our killing sprees!
Hunt no more,
my brother friend,
but give him peace in his deep blue seas,
not sorrow in these lost tomorrows,
in that briny sea so deep,
there his soul and heart to keep,
in that raptured deep,
there in their restful sleep eternal,
now at peace with man his brother!
Bob Caltrider can be reached by email at [email protected]