Glorify Your Name
Lord, your love embraces all that you have made.
Your hand created the firmament, the moon, the sun, the stars.
Your breath gave life to your good world, and man you set to rule,
To enhance your realm, bring joy to all and be their servant King.
To reflect by deed, the love they need, and glorify your name.
But man did fall, reject your plan and substitute instead,
the image of the evil one, hatred, fear and dread.
Man’s arrogance to this day, only reflects his violent ways. \
Through greed he does his very worst, to those who cannot converse.
For future generations man does not care, provided he now gets his share.
By economic strategies the rich, convert food you destined for the poor.
Is this the way Lord, for all time or just a test for humankind.
Your grace ensures a future, Lord, for those who accept your son,
For those who tread His lonely path of sacrifice and love.
Blessed are they who know the truth, who mourn and are meek,
Blessed are those who are pure in heart, merciful to the weak,
Blessed are those who end all wars and suffer for your sake.
Blessed are they who follow your ways and glorify your name.
O Lord you are magnificent, compassion rules the day.
Lord, your great love has conquered all, joy, justice, peace, remain.
The ghastly lessons of this past world will surely guarantee,
Pain, suffering and death now gone, for all eternity.
Eden revisited, evil destroyed, your circle is complete.
All creation now bow before your son,
The only one, who glorifies your name.
Don Gwillim March 2001
(Written at the time of the Foot & Mouth epidemic)
Dedicated to every creature tortured and slaughtered to satisfy man’s greed.