Oh my Lord,
I am a Sinner.
Through and through
I now see this.
afflictions, addictions,
immoral and guilty
impure and astray
I disconnected from You, oh Lord
I chose my way
for so long I turned my back
and voices from others
told me too not to worry
about You.
I grew confused by the minute
I'm around sin and am in it
nonetheless I am the sinner
I will stand alone before You.
as a child, I Loved You
and I know that we can all be Saints
I believe You had much Love for me then
I was good too, then.
though as a man now
diminished is your Love
disconnected, alone, lost
I've become- what a thing that is
What a shame,
choices and decisions
voices of revisions
to make Sins acceptable
oh to lack refrain,
such regrets and pain
and what of the price
to be tallied and garnered
in the Life after life?
What pain awaits
for the pleasures of these days.
What a Book of Life I write
complete of all my ways
Never shall I lift my head before You
Mercy is my only Hope, I implore You
Believe that I am sorry...
Trust that I was lost.
Forgive me for this dissapointment
I have caused you.
I have not ever been that happy here
if only that were redeemable,
I might be a guest some day
if Blessed some way,
at best, I pray.