If I Were a Rainbow
By Diann Sheldon
From all-creatures.org

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If I Were a Rainbow
By Diann Sheldon

If I were a rainbow
This is where I would be
Sitting high in the sky
With sun shining through me
With gray clouds behind me
From rains that have passed bye
Looking down on God�s creation
With colored tears that fill my eyes
These tears are vibrant colors
Of many different hues
All vibrating at different rates
Each one will affect you
I can arch across the sky
In a colorful display
And other times on walls
I�ll dance around and play
The colors that are shown you
Will heal your inner soul
And also bring your body
Back to balance and make you whole

If I were a rainbow
You could see me from your door
Or looking out your window
As you may have done before
But one thing I can promise
I�ll never look the same
Each one is an original
No need to sign my name
Sometimes I�ll arch across flatlands
Other times the plains
Or maybe jump a canyon
Or a beautiful mountain range
If you ever want to see me
I�ll always be so near
No further then your garden hose
Or a tiny tear
A spider web in morning
With the dewdrops set thereon
All I need is sunlight
To turn my colors on
As long as there is sunlight
Even a crystal will do
Just hang one in the window
Where the sunshine can shine through
Then I will paint a rainbow
On your wall that�s just for you
To let you know I love you
And will your whole life through
No matter what your color
No matter what your race
Rainbows are not prejudice
They love all in Gods space

By Diann Sheldon
Sept. 2001 �

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Painting by Mary T. Hoffman - God's Creation in Art

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