Of the line of Blood..
Sons of One True One-
Of God.
King of Kings
Lord of Lords
We are here.
And have been here.
In the Fire
Of sin.
Christs, to Him
The First One-
His Blood
Born of the flesh-
Speaking tongues
Seeking no escape
But to be in this inferno
Of sin.
With them
Among, and in this fire
Surely my sins engulf me
Having died
In the blades of its fire
Having suffered death and resurrection
My Eternity is Granted
Oh Royalty of Royalty
Beyond Thy Stars
I know where to go.
Oh King
Take my Crown
I lay it down-
This Crown of Death-
I have found Love, Jesus.
In the Fire and in the Heat of Sorrow
I have died.
In the Arms of Christ
I did Rise
My call is one
From Sheol ..
And the brethren
Are all in Awe
Of Death Rising
In a Crown of Life.
I am of Christ.
Tried in the Fire
I am Alive.