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In Honor of Frank and Mary
Separation of Church and Plate
Oh how wonderful, Oh how great
No more notice boards for roast beef dinners
Humans and Animals would both be the winners
No more fish fries, fried chicken, chicken pot pie
Then songs of praise could truly reach the sky
The business of religion should create kindness
Eating animals in a house of worship ought to be considered mindless
If we truly care for the life and wellbeing of all creatures
We will speak to our priest, rabbi, minister (whatever we call our preachers)
We can talk with the youth group leader, the religious school director, the
adult ed chair
And ask of each of them: where?
Where can we start? How can we begin?
To rethink the killing of animals as sin
Love kindness and compassion could everywhere be seen
If we remembered Genesis 1:29 where God tells us to eat green
What if, in every covered dish,
There was no flesh from a chicken, cow or fish?
Then we would all be able
To break bread at the same table
If every church, synagogue, mosque and temple were completely meat-free
What a joy for the animals and for me and thee
~Roberta Schiff
Memorial Service for the Animals
Summerfest 2004
See the other parts of
the Memorial Service for the Animals:
A Memorial for the Animals
- We All Have a Need for Love
- Sermon
Morning Prayer when Mourning by Carol J. Adams
A Prayer and
Benediction of Life and Love By Michael Klaper, MD
We welcome your comments:
Painting by Mary T. Hoffman - God's Creation in Art
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