I've slipped, my back heal
must have rolled along
the rounded edges of pills
down I went,
into a spell
lost my breath
and went to hell
in hell the sound of flint
struck upon my stony heart
the sound of ignition
of all my fleshy parts
made me jump
then I fell, slumped
burning flesh
the smell of death
the flesh of my nose, dripped down
and my face turned bone
and the bones of my fingers clang
against the bones of my cheek and jaw
and I think to myself
this is the sickest thing I ever saw
and the fire burns away my organs and intestines
and I fall down into the puddle of melt
and I no longer need to stand
nor the use of neither foot nor hand
my spirit, contained
in a small box
flowing steadily
in a lava stream
throwing many down into
can you believe this, s#!t?
a, f!#@ing, lake of fire