Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Divine Love in a human heart
This will never diminish or part
Selfless and free without wanting any return
Perfect love and perfect obedience
Emanating from on high.
Transcending time and space.
God in Man
Guiding and directing.
Leading and Loving.
The Creator walking with the created.
Hand in Hand with love supernal.
God and man united, not divided.
Christ by the ultimate sacrifice.
United us with our Father for all eternity.
Never again will the bonds be broken
The sacrifice once made, complete for all time.
A new creation walking in the light
The darkness dissipated
The Light shines forth.
The victory secure.
The battle one.
(This Picture is now in the Public Domain)
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A Magical Autumn Day
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