Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Do you know how to read with love and compassion and with your heart?
Have you ever read like that allowing in the emotions from the very start?
Have you ever noticed how a poem sounds, when read for others to hear?
Did you ever hear, or read something so wonderful; to your eye it brought a
A poem is read so one can feel the compassion and love.
A poem is another of the many gifts from God above.
The writings of others, written with love to fill your heart.
To fill your heart with love and compassion, from the very start!
Poems, however, are not the only things meant to be read in such a way.
Some things get read daily, while poems are read occasionally, from day to
The words of the Bible are another to be read as such or the love may be
The Bible should always be read with love and compassion at the highest
For the Bible speaks volumes of love from the writers whose words are there.
They wrote that book with love and compassion as they truly did care.
Now many a Christian of today from the Bible, do indeed read.
Then again many do this only when they feel the need.
Reading the Bible as many do in this day and age!
Must leave the writers unhappy but not with much rage!
For the writers felt love and compassion for all of mankind!
Their love and compassion is felt, when read correctly as you shall find.
So when you read from the Bible, in your heart the words you must feel.
For the Lord’s words in your heart you must feel, for His love your soul to
For His love and compassion are within the words the writer did write.
Read them with love and compassion if you wish to read them right.
Read the Bible with love and compassion, if you wish to see the light.
When you read the words that Jesus spoke,
Feel the pain He felt as his heart must have broke.
Feel His pain, for Jesus knew that all of us He could not save.
Feel His pain with Him as He died and went for us to His grave.
Read His words with Love and compassion as it is meant to be.
Read of the great gift of love and compassion, He gave to you and me.
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Poetry By Patrick N. Kramer
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