Anthony James

Mercy, I Need
Poetry By Anthony James


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Mercy, I Need
Poetry By Anthony James

lift me up O'God
O' Jesus
You are my only Hope

in the mire of physicality
take my fins (lungs) away O'God
to breathe everlasting air

O the depths of this place
the layers of death behoove me
the slippery slope
has fooled me
the scent of Jezebel
has wooed me
became food for me...

O' the fool in me
sin blinding me
Satan's hands blocking
they 'eye' in me

I am not an unbeliever
O' Holy One of Israel
I am deceived
O' God of Salvation

I am dead, Father
but I want Your Love Father
I want to be Forgiven
Ever Living

Teach me, Savior
To be Wise
Open Eyes, O' God

Lift me up O'God
O' Jesus
You are my only Hope.