My Lord?
Doth Thou hear me?
See me, Father
For I have fallen
Blind by time,
Oh my God,
See me, in the fire?
Hear me, my God, I am calling
Lord, see my heart
Is it True?
I believe it so
But, You?
Tender Jesus,
My only Love,
Have mercy on me
I died alone
I'm in this Fire
Oh God...
Oh Savior
My strength, overcome
My heart overrun with sorrow
Weeping heart, wails
As Truth Enters
My heart stops
Limp, crushed,
I have died death
In Your Hand, Jesus
Thou Holy Spirit Breathes in me
Thy Eternal Breath...
In Thy Right Hand, God
Ye hold my head,
Ye look upon me
Mine eyes Open
Holy, Holy, Holy God of Israel
I Am Born Again.