Lance LandallOnly A Loving Heart
Poetry by Lance Landall
A Spiritual And Inspirational Poem from

Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.

Only A Loving Heart
Poetry by Lance Landall

I know it’s hard, I’ve suffered too, had my share of hurt and pain, But still, let’s cling to Jesus, who, one day on earth will reign. Then the suffering we share, we’ll no longer have to bear, For Jesus, will bring an end, to heartache, experienced here.

Yes, I sympathize and care, know how life can be unfair, And know it’s even harder, when one has no friend to care. Sometimes it feels so lonely, midst our problems or our pain, And we can feel abandoned, feel our strength begin to wane.

Despite it all, let’s praise the Lord, for problems that we’ve had, The pain we’ve suffered also, and those times when we’ve felt sad. For now, another’s suffering, we can better understand, Much more caringly respond, appropriately, give a hand.

Like the rainbow midst the rain, so there’s hope amidst the pain, For the cross that bore our Saviour, has brought grace for all to claim. Thus, those who’ve Christ accepted, know that soon all pain will end, For Christ is the great healer, who broken heart’s, and lives, will mend.

Then throughout eternity, joy and happiness we’ll share, Living in a Paradise, free of misery and despair. No longer will the shadows of a fallen world surround, For the Son of light and beauty, all this darkness, will have bound.

But meantime, hurt we’ll suffer, for on earth we still remain, So let us help each other, through the misery and pain. Let’s reach out with compassion, help others, their burdens bear, Let’s show more love and kindness, help ease heartache, pain and fear.

Soon our Saviour will return, and His home in Heaven share, But He will only share it, with the ones who love and care. For the God of love who saves, knows His love, our hearts must fill, As only a loving heart, responds to others, and fulfills His will.

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