Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Cleanse me with that healing blood, that flows from Calvary’s cross, Cover me with saving grace, that hides fallen earthly dross. Create a holy haven, where the Spirit can reside, Deep within this heart of mine, thus transforming from inside.
Shine the rays of Heaven’s light, on this mind that’s harbored sin, Brightening every corner, till no darkness lurks within. Recharge my ailing body, with Your power from on high, So that every day I rise, I will, “Hallelujah,” cry.
Wrest me from the devil’s grip, remove prison walls he’s built, And using Heaven’s blow-torch, every sinful shackle melt. Let the cost of Calvary, remain etched upon my mind, And help me every morning, Your presence prayerfully find.
Send me messages of love, wrapped in providential care, Help me wait attentively, for Your whispers in my ear. Please help me see more clearly, all the blessings that You pour, And enshrine within my heart, Your unchanging holy Law.
Slay all selfishness and pride, so that humble I will be, And fill me with compassion, for both friend and enemy. Crush prejudice and bias, have me act impartially, And throughout my life on earth, help me faithful always be.
Gush fountains full of wisdom, that will shower truth on me, Install in me desires, that are pure and Heavenly. Create a burning passion, for the things You’d have me do, And clothe me with Your love, Lord, so that others will see You.
Colour with Heaven’s pastels, every day you give to me, Till every day’s a picture, that reflects the Heavenly. Let the portrait You’ve begun, that’s an image of the Son, Remain upon Your easel, till that work of art is done.
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Our Body
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