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Oh, Pity the Poor Little Planimal
By: Sandy Laurie
Submitted by: Maynard S. Clark

Oh, pity the poor little planimal
Who's partly a plant, partly animal.
Having gotten its genes
From lobsters and beans,
Whatever it eats, it's a cannibal

Ed. Note:  This cute little rhyme only addresses one of the potential problems associated with genetic engineering.  In our opinion, we have moved ahead as if this was the most natural thing in the world, and have not sufficiently tested what has been done to guarantee that there will be no ill effects.  We find it curious that many thousands of years ago, before people knew anything about genes or even of their existence, the Bible teaches us that each plant and each animal was created after "its kind" (Genesis 1:12, 21, 24-25).  Was God giving us a warning concerning the altering of the natural order of plants and animals?

Painting by Mary T. Hoffman - God's Creation in Art

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