Anthony James

Poetry By Anthony James


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Poetry By Anthony James

My Word sits in My Right Hand
Shall It come down from on High
And it shall dwell among you, where you are...

You do not want to hear My Word
And you, mankind, will seek to
'Cross' it out...

I Will Tell you all
All of you, mankind
That The Word Is Me,
Your God.

And you, mankind, will seek to
'Cross' Me out.

And The Word
Shall it come down from on High
And it shall dwell among you, where you are...

You, mankind, will seek to 'Cross' Me out...
You, mankind, will Nail My Word To The Cross

My Word is Nailed upon wood..
And you, mankind, will then say
"we have Crossed out The Word"

And I will Lift up My Right Hand then
Into the Heavens...
Striped and Bloodied is My Son
That sits on The Right Side
Of Me, and is One With Me

As is your own hand, mankind
One with you.

And My Word Is My Tongue
Me, your God.
And My Word I did Send
Into the world

Where you dwell,

So, My Spirit is with you,
It remains there with you,
My children...

So that you would remember.