Yesterday's pills mean nothing, today-
a Soul is no place for a pharmacy-
a little pill so small to see-
what could it possibly do to me?
one in hand is what I see-
not the thousand melted internally
spreading a web inside of me
I am not the one I used to be!
entangled now, consuming me-
I'm dying out and weakening-
self- righteous pokes for pleasuring
are hurting now and deepening
the core I am, the life in me
the price to pay is killing me-
I don't want to die for an eternity-
I want to fight this, but just look and see
how low the high has taken me-
a little pill so small to see-
what could it possibly do to me?
one in hand is what I see-
not the thousand melted internally
and I want to cry-
but no tears come out of me-
Lord don't forsaken me-
I'm shivering-
I'm quivering-
at the overtakening-
I'm lying and dying, it's breaking me
I'm falling and calling but no one is listening-
I am sleeping and keeping no diary-
I am resting and blessing my self incessantly-
and then a final sigh does succumb-
no pulse or rise of lung-
it is over.
and done.
September 18, 2010. © Anthony James , All rights reserved