Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Soft words, like velvety roses
spread their delicate scent
turning angry briar patches into
fragrant gardens of peace.
Forgiveness, like gentle breezes,
dances through one’s whole being
happily blowing away memories
that snuff out the joy of living.
Tears, like morning dew
cooling dry trampled grass,
sprinkle the crushed in spirit
with longed-for relief.
Thankfulness, like bird choruses
welcoming fresh sunrises,
arouses the ungrateful to marvel at
heaven's outpourings.
Laughter, like lyrical music
trickling through dark clouds,
chases away phantoms and
livens every corner of the soul.
Love, like heaven's lights
searching out the unwanted
picks up and holds the unloved
in tenderest mercy and grace.
© Anne S. Moore, June 20, 2009
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