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The Loudest Croak
Bob Groth - January 31, 2004 -
(A True Life Experience)
Sitting on the couch
It was peaceful and nice
A fire was burning
A touch of paradise.
In the recliner
My wife beside me
Knitting a blanket
With yarn on her knee.
We were enjoying
Some talking polite
Several hours had passed
Since it became night.
Then the loudest shrill
That we ever had heard
Pierced through our beings
We were unnerved.
We knew it was a frog
The loudest there be
Until my wife spoke
A much louder decree.
�Go Find That Frog�
And did I ever jump
With the tone of her voice
Not a time to slump.
Of course in my mind
Not happy was I
Nevertheless I searched
In things nearby.
Under the recliner
I looked for a frog
Of course, none was there
Like looking in the fog.
I looked around the couch
No froggie could I find
Strong words I then hear,
�Go find em outside�.
I grabbed the flashlight
From the kitchen drawer
Mumbling to myself
Going out the glass door
I searched along the house
And in the bushes, too
Ain�t no critters here
But I�m not through.
Flashing the light around
I looked a little more
Ain�t nothing like this
Ever happened before.
So back into the house
To my wife I will explain
�I�ll never find that frog�
May my words be not in vain.
She accepted my plea
I got to stay in
Just as long as it
Don�t happen again.
She even smiled
While reading to her
This event long ago
May it never reoccur.
So if you have smiled
Or chuckled a bit
Then I have succeeded
While you were reading it.
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Painting by Mary T. Hoffman - God's Creation in Art
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