Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Too many are too quick to say that judging others isn't right,
When neither is that statement when it's not balanced with further light,
Because it’s only wrongful judging that's in need of condemnation,
Not rightful judging that prudently weighs up the situation.
You see,
Judging is simply assessing any given situation,
Which thereby enables us to make a sound evaluation,
Because it’s only by this method that appraisals can be made,
Thus determining our actions according to how such are weighed.
And the same applies to people too, and whatever they might do,
As we need to determine whether we should do that same thing too.
After all, is what they are doing harmful, is it wrong or right,
Could others be affected, and thus will it good or bad invite?
It may also be that what they’re saying needs scrutinizing too,
And so, does it contain some error, is it right or quite untrue,
Could their words lead us astray, or have us put other people wrong,
And could it be that they're deceiving us, just stringing us along?
Yes, good judgment is needed daily as we make our way through life,
Because wrongly-made assessments can bring about much grief and strife.
And it’s not just we who may suffer, others being affected
By our errors of judgment, or when judgment we have neglected.
Hence why we often hear people say that there is a time and a place,
And why sometimes when we’re judging, confronting others we must face,
Because not confronting offenders just condones and aids their wrong,
Depriving them of growth and learning, which wrong-doing can prolong.
And therefore, when we don’t deal with such wrong, clearly love we don’t
Because genuine love knows everyone needs discipline to grow.
However, if you’re told when judging that it’s none of your concern,
And there's nothing that you can do, the hard way they’ll just have to
But it’s always how it’s done, of course, and it's also how it’s said,
Because wrong approaches oft simply put things back and not ahead.
And just love should motivate you, both for them and those affected,
Yes — love’s sense of right and wrong — which it knows shouldn't be
But sadly, some are judging blindly, or in a self-righteous way,
Or because of some prejudice, they’ve let their judgment go astray.
And some are simply judgmental, or they’re spitefully fault-finding,
While others judge selectively, or their own business aren't minding.
Thus, because of such wrongful judging, some don’t want judging at all,
Which effectively would mean that wrongfulness would just have a ball.
And that’s precisely why it is that wrong things must be arrested,
And why we're seeing more today that this world with wrong’s infested.
So then, when you need to judge, please see that it is done correctly,
And to anyone who has wronged you, please always go directly.
But first, make sure you’ve judged yourself, and well before you head their
Lest your very own sad condition some hypocrisy display.
And when and where such judgment takes place, humbleness should rule our
We aware of our own failings, and letting mercy play its part,
Because by the way we judge others, we could also be judged too,
Hence why love in its wisdom always chooses the right thing to do.
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Toxic Adrenalin
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