Poetry By Anthony James


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Poetry By Anthony James

I wanted the nipple in the instance I wanted it-
but I didn't get it- Tweaked

I wanted the toy I saw- in the instance I saw it-
but I didn't get it- Tweaked

I wanted to be right in every argument-
but I felt wrong as much as I did right- Tweaked

I wanted to treat you the way I wanted to-
but you didn't let me and there was nothing I could do- Tweaked

I wanted to be on my own, no God in my life-
and I suffered every day in some way without You- Tweaked

I wanted a big job for big pride-
and every ladder I climbed broke at the second rung- Tweaked

I cried and wept to My Lord-
And He comforted me with His Love- Tweaked

I grew angry again, left My Lord again- Rebelled-
and I had a suffersome addiction for 8 years- Tweaked

I cried and wept to My Lord to Help me-
and He took my addiction away in 8 weeks- Tweaked

And Now I Know My Father- He is above me- He Loves me-
I have completely surrendered to Him- Tweaked

I still sin- though so slow to, now-
and still I feel the guilt- Tweaking-

November 8, 2010. © Anthony James , All rights reserved