Turn from the lamb, meet with the lion-
When I was darkest- You shone light upon me-
And I fell away to slumber-
Lights move fast through the deep dark Galaxy-
A Miracle has been decided!
The King is coming-
From His Kingdom- The Saints move slightly behind-
The Angels have already arrived-
Purifying the sinful room where the man lies-
Sincerity Shines- Passing through the Barriers of earth, unheard-
He knows precisely the little room you lie.
Suddenly, the home is surrounded by a green illuminated portal-
An Angel whispers-
Arise and breathe-
Stay in your sleep-
Come out from within your sleeves-
Tonight is the night- your Miracle- arrives!
Close your eyes, let your worries rest-
It's almost over-
Let you see this Love- whilst it occurs-
Come out, now-
Notice the small starlight incandescence
Form where your breast is-
Take note the bones are now see-through-
The red blood pumping for you- to live-
Take note- of the Life He Gives!
See light from light- impart-
Circling in hover you feel the Beloved-
Round and round- your soul unbound-
Transgressions of old- are abound-
You are told, shown- who you are in Truth-
And this causes you to die- but you breathe still-
And now smoky streams come up-
Through the circling lights- you see!
Two streams of life coming to-
Above your sternum-
The Spirit and Soul- weep deeply-
And they join, forming a vortex-
Turning, like tiny tornados
The Soul and Spirit mesh -
Above the flesh- above the circling lights-
There comes the Life- of man- Spirit and Soul
Bright Red, like a Crown- ascends of the breast
Slowly turning round and round- My heart-
Very slowly- A chorus is heard- a harmony
And a Light falls upon the room- Bright with Rays that warm the home-
A Golden Crown is seen now above my heart -
Jesus Christ is with me-
I am weeping-
His Golden Crown turns round and round of my heart- and it stops-
I am dead.
His Golden Crown turning into a circle of golden air-
and a cry is heard- I know it is my own voice crying, that I hear-
I am Repenting before my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ-
And now He will Heal me- He Knows I Love Him.
slowing now, the circle of Golden Air reverts into A Solid Golden Crown-
Adorned now with the most beautiful gems and stones- God Is Here.
The walls fall and a million Angel's appear-
We are all in a Heavenly place now-
A Golden Crown Adorned In Divinity- slowly descends upon my dead body
The Crown- of my heart, turns to blue-
I am completely diminished when I suddenly see a crown appear on my own
as I lay dead.
It is so beautiful- gold with gems
Still out of body- I see myself clearly
My own Divinity appears-
And I weep.
I am beloved By The Royal Family Of God and His Son Jesus Christ-
All the Angel's and Saints- I weep again.
I am being saved from myself, tonight, by the Hand of God through a Miracle.
It has been decided by Him, that I am worthy of this help and it is here-
Oh how He Loves Us!
A Miracle
Thank You Father- I did need one. But I was afraid I was not worthy-
I can only Repent, and Thank You forever!
My crown joins His crown-
they become one- both turning round and round-
but my heart turns counter to His-
And the faster His Heart turns the slower mine does-
and soon my heart stops- and slowly begins to turn
in the same direction as His-
My heart is turning around-
Then beautiful Angelic Sounds- are heard-
A Light Flashes and the Miracle is set upon me-
My Soul, Spirit, Heart, and Mind- Renewed-
This is His way to show only He can change us-
even when we can't change ourself!
My flesh is pale white, I am limp- still dead physically-
My own crown upon my head weighs it down, bending my neck, my body rises up
as if to stand before Him-
My head is drooped, my arms are outstretched, I am dead on the Cross-
I have died in my own efforts to gain eternal life-
And then there is a man who appears before me- he looks like a man but he is illuminated- he holds up a book and written on the cover I can see words and a verse-
"The Lamb's Book of Life - Rev 21:27"
Suddenly, then, I can see a man appearing, wearing now The Crown-
Ascending up and away- He looks down at me-
I am filled with Love and am weeping -
I am filled with Love and am weeping!
Finally, I am back in my bed, an Angel floats above me-
the walls of my room are still away- and she floats through them
with pure white wings and white dress- She is so peaceful-
and her voice is heard inside my thoughts-
"Your faith has made you well"
...... awake ......