Tempted by That Labor Day Grill Smell? Dial Our 'Defeat the Meat' Hotline
Action Alert from All-Creatures.org


Center for Biological Diversity
September 2015


In time for Labor Day weekend, one of the year's meatiest cookout times, the Center just launched the "Defeat the Meat Hotline" (1-855-MEATLSS), a toll-free service urging callers to think about endangered species and the climate before biting into a beefy burger or porky dog this Labor Day.

smell the grill

This latest project from our Take Extinction Off Your Plate campaign gives callers four options: "Call 1-855-MEAT-LSS [1/855-632-8577]. Press 1 if you can't stop thinking about that burger; press 2 if you already have a hot dog in your hand; press 3 if the smell of a BBQ is driving you wild ... and press 4 if you've got 99 problems but grilled meat ain't one."

Callers get tasty tips to beat the temptation of meat and help save endangered wildlife (or kudos for not craving meat even while its smell might be wafting through your windows).

"If you don't know if you can resist that barbecued meat, our Defeat the Meat crisis team is here to help," said the Center's Jennifer Molidor. "Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, Americans eat 818 hot dogs per second. That has a devastating effect on wolves, sage grouse, monarch butterflies, loggerhead sea turtles and hundreds of other species driven toward extinction by meat production." 

Thank you for everything you do for animals!

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