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The Mary T. and Frank L. Hoffman Family Foundation

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Alejandro G Cossio - Queretaro, Mèxico

Alejandro G CossioI share your love for God's creatures, but in a very special way with deer.  Let me share with you some photos of my beloved friends. See: Alejandro and the Deer.  Also see: Sierra Malichi: Living in Peace with Deer.

That beautiful doe in the photo with me is Timber, and yes, if I seat or kneel she will slurp all my face. I bottle feed this doe when I rescued her as a baby, and she is 4 years old now, she is like one of my children, you can't imagine the kind of company, care and love that I have received from all my deer, they are the most extraordinary companions. I took this photo by holding the camera in my extended right arm.  Sometimes I rest under a tree shadow and soon I have all of my deer herd resting around me or looking for some good scratches around their ears.

Since I was a child whitetail deer have been my fascination, For more than 35 years I've been sharing my life with deer, I once hunted them, captured deer with drop nets, cured their wounds and removed them from danger, and finally ended working full time as a deer management specialist and consultant for people working with deer in several States of Mexico.

I also have a special place where I take care of several deer that were abandoned or injured, I study their behavior, nutrition and interactions. By now, I consider myself as part of them, and they consider me part of their group, they have total confidence and trust in me. For years now, I have been spending many hours per week just living among them.

This (apparently) wasted time, has given me tons of knowledge and understanding about their sophisticated and intriguing behavior, whitetail deer is by far one of the most studied and successful creatures in the world. I can read their eyes when they are frightened or alarmed, and I can notice when they feel comfortable and safe. They also have a wonderful way of showing their joy and fondness. This particular approach on deer, together with the fact that due to my work I have the opportunity of meeting a lot of people involved in deer management and evaluate their knowledge. I always try to instill in them compassion, fair treatment, and to avoid cruelty or careless management of their deer.

My singular position makes me accepted in both counterparts, on one hand, anti-hunters and conservationist and on the other, with people that raise deer for hunting or other reasons. I can perfectly understand both sides, and I would be happy if I could share my opinions and findings with anyone who is willing to work hard in finding a better solution to controlling the exploding deer herds in the most reasonable and efficient manner.

It is important that many people with different approaches and points of view interact and share their opinions in order to find better ways to manage wildlife in the future.

I have two different subspecies of whitetail deer here with me on our sanctuary in Queretaro, Mèxico: one is O.V. texanus and the other is O.V. mexicanus. The texanus comes from the North of Mèxico; their distribution areas are the States of Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas; and the mexicanus is originally from central Mèxico, but due to the small remaining habitat that still stands in these overpopulated areas, they are very rare.

I am dedicated 100% full time to the study of whitetail deer, and my favorite activity is to film deer in their natural habitat, I have hundreds of tapes and some films that I have edited myself.

Thanks to God, I was blessed with an extraordinary family, a wonderful wife and 5 children.  They support me and suffer silently many days per month when I have to leave sometimes for 10 to 15 days due to my full time work as a wildlife consultant with deer herds.


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