Bread.jpg (6991 bytes)Bread.jpg (32868 bytes)Nectarine Upside-Down Muffin Cake
Vegan - Vegetarian Recipe Book

How Mary and Frank and Friends Eat
"We are dedicated to cruelty free living through a vegetarian - vegan lifestyle."
"Let no animal die that we may live!"

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Nectarine Upside-Down Muffin Cake


1-1/2 cups Whole Wheat or Spelt Flour
1/2 cup Oatmeal, dry, ground
2 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Cinnamon, ground
2 - 2-1/2 cups Nectarines, ripe, pieces, fresh or frozen
4-5 Bananas
6 Dates, pitted
Apple Juice, as required
(To enlarge the photo of the
Nectarine Upside-Down Muffin Cake, click on the photo or link)


We bake this nectarine upside-down muffin cake in a 2 quart covered baking dish.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. Or, for a quickie method, this nectarine upside-down muffin cake can be baked in a microwave oven in only 10 minutes at 1000 watts.

Begin the recipe by placing the whole wheat or spelt flour in a mixing bowl. Place the oatmeal in the container of a blender and run it at high speed until the oatmeal is finely chopped, and add to the mixing bowl.

Add the baking powder and cinnamon and mix well.

(If you "fresh-grind" your grain, as we do, the grains and rolled oats can be ground at the same time in the Vita-Mix dry container. In this case, add the baking powder and cinnamon after the flour has cooled.)

Wash and cut the ripe nectarines into pieces or wedges, or thaw the frozen nectarine pieces, and place the cut fruit in the bottom of the baking dish along with any liquid from the fruit.

Place the peeled bananas and the pitted dates into the regular blender container; cover, and blend at high speed until the mixture is smooth.

Add the banana-date mixture to the flour mixture and mix well. If the ingredients are too stiff, add a little apple juice, but don't let the muffin dough become runny. It should be slightly on the stiff side.

Immediately, pour/spoon the muffin dough into the baking dish on top of the nectarine pieces.  Cover the baking dish, and place the muffin cake in the preheated oven for about 20-30 minutes. When the muffin cake is done, the cake will be springy to the touch without leaving a fingerprint depression on the surface.

If baking in the microwave oven, cook on high until the cake is springy to the touch. As an example, the muffin cake shown in the photo, took only ten minutes to bake at 1000 watts.

Allow the nectarine upside-down muffin cake to cool on a wire rack with the cover on the baking dish to retain the moisture and keep the cake moist.

When the baking dish has cooled to the touch, remove the cover.  Using a table knife, gently loosen the muffin cake from the sides of the baking dish, and place a large dinner or cake plate upside down over the baking dish.  Hold the plate and baking dish tightly together, and invert so that the baking dish is on top of the plate.  The cake should gently fall onto the plate.  If the cake is sticking to the bottom, slide the plate to the edge of the counter, and lift one side of the baking dish just enough to allow the table knife to be slipped up between the cake and dish and gently nudge the cake until it falls onto the place. Slice as desired

Serve hot or cold, and enjoy.  Store any left over cake in a covered container in the refrigerator to prevent it from drying out.

Ingredients information

Apple Juice, Unfiltered

Baking Powder


Cinnamon, ground

Dates, Deglet


Oats, Rolled


Wheat, Hard Red
It makes everything taste better!

Utensils and Equipment Information

Dish, Glass Baking

Bowls, Stainless Steel Mixing


Measuring Cups, Dry

Measuring Spoons

Spoon, Large Mixing


The above recipe is in keeping with God's creation intent (Genesis 1:29-31):  'Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.  And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-- everything that has the breath of life in it-- I give every green plant for food." And it was so.   God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.' (NIV)  Let no animal suffer or die that we may live!

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