Great Northern Bean, Carrot, Onion and Celery Soup
Vegan - Vegetarian Recipe Book
How Mary and Frank and Friends Eat
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Great Northern Bean, Carrot, Onion and Celery Soup
2 lbs Great Northern Beans, dried
4 Bay Leaves
12 cups Water, pre-heated
3 cups Onions, diced
3 cups Carrots, diced
1 cup Celery, diced
1-6 oz. Can Tomato Paste
Cayenne Pepper or Hot Sauce, to taste (optional)
(To enlarge the photo of the great
northern bean soup, click on the photo or link)
This great northern bean, carrot, onion and celery soup is best started the evening before you want to serve it. We cook the soup in our 6-1/2 quart slow cooker. If you have a smaller slow cooker, you should cut the ingredients in half.
Turn on the slow cooker (crock-pot) to �high.�
Boil 12 cups of water (we use the microwave oven, heating the water 2 cups at a time), and carefully pour into the cooker pot. Cover with the lid.
While the water is boiling, sort through the dried great northern beans and discard any extraneous matter. Then rinse the dried beans in a strainer. It is best to do this in quantities of no more than one cup at a time. Add the rinsed beans to the pot. Add the bay leaves.
Before going to bed, add more hot water if needed, then turn the slow cooker down to �low.�
In the morning, stir the bean soup, add the tomato paste, and mix in. If the soup is too thick, boil one more cup of water, add to the pot, and stir again. Repeat as necessary.
Wash, peel, and dice the onions and the carrots, and wash and dice the celery. Add to the cooker pot. (To save cooking time, we precook the diced onions, carrots, and celery in our microwave oven, before adding to the pot.) Optional: Add cayenne pepper or hot sauce, adjusting to taste. Cover the pot.
If you are planning to eat the soup at noon, we suggest turning the heat back up to �high.� Stir the soup every hour.
If you are going to be away during the day, and are planning to eat the soup in the evening, leave the crock-pot setting on �low.�
Serve and enjoy with a large tossed salad.
Ingredients information
Beans - Great Northern |
Bay Leaves |
Carrots |
Celery |
Onions, Yellow |
Tomato Paste |
Pepper - Hot Red, ground (Cayenne) |
Utensils and Equipment Information
The above recipe is in keeping with God's creation intent (Genesis 1:29-31): 'Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-- everything that has the breath of life in it-- I give every green plant for food." And it was so. God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.' (NIV) Let no animal suffer or die that we may live!
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