This flesh O'Father
I write you a letter
My blood pens You this
Love Letter
How can a son tell his Father
"I love You, Father"
There is a place in me,
Deep now, for sin has covered me
Though, in sorrow Lord
Poured out of over me..
Washed in your Spirit
My sins are Washed away in Godly Sorrow!
Amen Amen!
Before the Assembly, O' God
I tell them all.
The Truth about myself
And in this Truth, O'God
Ye are LIFTED!
And in Ye, God
~I am Lifted up in You~
The Assembly sit before me
I am at Thy Altar God
And they wish to hear of my Testimony
They know me
For they have prayed for me
For a long time.
I say to them
"thank you brothers and sisters, your Prayers were Heard"
I seek no reaction of them
It is time for me to Praise Yahweh.
To pour out my heart now
For the Lord, God who Saved me
The Indescribable Lamb of God
Mighty, yet Meek
Powerful, yet Mercy He Chooses
Righteous and Sincere
O'God I am Sewn!
I tell the Assembly
Of "my call"
I tell the Assembly
Of "my fall"
I speak steadily,
Though a stream of tears
puddle at my feet!
My heart is crying
I say many things
But I hear is
I am Saved
I am Saved
And the Assembly
sit, they want to hear
they know of my love
I have gone through the
Narrow Gate
Far past the Stars
Through the Universe
I am pulled along
Through the Narrow Gate
I am in the Holy of Holies
In the Kingdom
they sit...
and I am walking to the Altar
I am seven years, a boy-
Yet to die, a man...
When I see the Narrow Gate
And speak to the Assembly.
" I have a 'Love Letter'
In my heart.." I begin,
When I speak my heart full
I sit down, and I see all of the Assembly
The Royal Assembly of God The Father-
And behind me all a long..
Though I hadn't thought to turn around
Sat Jesus, listening.