Let me go, let me go
I want to show,
You... some thing-
I am me, me!
Will you watch me?
Will you see?
My thoughts, they slowly move
And soon enough-
I will be alone.
I cannot see, Father..
A thing that will happen to me!
I am smart, Father-
You just wait and see.
I am me, Father-
And the sun rises
And the moon appears-
Every day, all the days-
All the years-
For so long, now-
Where I was once a lone pillar
I'm not so strong now
And it seems that
My own strength (pride)
Is my own killer-
And what have You done?
Weeping for Your sons?
And while I have been saying in my inner thoughts-
"Father, where are You"
I never said "Father, will You come back"?
For it was I, after all,
Who asked You to leave me alone-
And You I hurt-
Why would I leave You alone?
Do I not care about You, Father, being Alone?
Oh my Jesus I DO CARE!
I will never leave You
Forgive me, please-
I love you so much and I am sorry,
Lord, Jesus-
I pour my heart out to You-
I shout your name from the rooftops
We are becoming friends, again-
And this makes me so happy-
May 4, 2011 © Anthony James , All rights reserved