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Mad Cow Disease Articles
"Animal Rendering Products In More Places Than You Think: You'll Be
Surprised To Learn What Goes Into Film, Glue & Crayons:"
(by Renea Mohammed, The Vancouver Humane Society Newsletter Summer
2003): "Human food is not the only "product" derived from the bodies of
factory farmed and other animals. Animals or their parts not considered
suitable for the dinner table are typically sent to rendering plants.
Rendering plants take in a wide variety of source materials that include
parts such as brains, eyeballs, spinal cords, intestines, bones,
feathers or hooves as well as restaurant grease, supermarket rejects
such as spoiled steak, road kill and in some areas euthanized cats and
dogs from veterinarians and animal shelters. Such source materials are
processed at the rendering plant into ingredients used in a number of
products that many people do not associate with animals. Such products
include soap, toothpaste, mouthwash, hair dyes, nail polish,
photographic film, crayons, glue, solvents, shoe polish, toys,
anti-freeze, ornaments, pharmaceutical products and cosmetics (including
those not tested on animals). There have been some health concerns
associated with the rendering industry. Perhaps the best known of these
is Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy or mad cow disease."
Look Inside a Rendering Plant" (by GS): "Rendering has been
called "the silent industry." Each year in the US, 286 rendering
plants quietly dispose of more than 12.5 million tons of dead
animals, fat and meat wastes. As the public relations watchdog
newsletter PR Watch observes, renderers "are thankful that most
people remain blissfully unaware of their existence."
not Fit for a Pet" (by Dr. Wendell O. Belfield): "Some of these
dead pets -- those euthanized by veterinarians -- already contain
pentobarbital before treatment with the denaturing process.
According to University of Minnesota researchers, the sodium
pentobarbital used to euthanize pets "survives rendering without
undergoing degradation." [Short, but powerful article by an expert]
cow outbreak may have been caused by animal rendering plants"
(NY Times News Service): "Renderers in the United States pick up 100
million pounds of waste material every day -- a witch's brew of
feet, heads, stomachs, intestines, hooves, spinal cords, tails,
grease, feathers and bones. Half of every butchered cow and a third
of every pig is not consumed by humans. An estimated six million to
seven million dogs and cats are killed in animal shelters each year,
said Jeff Frace, a spokesman for the American Society for the
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in New York City."
Rendering Industry: Big Business in By-Products" (by Kieran
Mulvaney): "Processed cow fats are sometimes used to make cookies
and salty snacks taste rich and to make lipsticks glide smoothly.
Cow proteins show up in shampoo. Collagen, extracted from the inner
layer of cattle hide, is used to balm wounds and cosmetically puff
up lips. Gelatin, refined from cattle hide and bones, is found in
such foods as ice cream, gummy candies and marshmallows--as well as
the capsules encasing drugs."
Dead Pets, Bad Brains, and Free Speech Landed Me in Amarillo"
(by Van Smith): "We were at once aghast, amused, and skeptical. "No,
really, it's true," they said blandly, sensing our doubts. "We pick
up dead pets from the SPCA and take them to the plant. The plant
cooks up the carcasses and other things to make stuff that goes into
pet food. Honest."
Pride and Pig Grease" (by Sandi Mitchell): "The great majority
of the product is sold for women's makeup, especially to
manufacturers of lipstick and eye makeup. Some of the most
prestigious cosmetic companies in the country are the chief
customers of rendering plants."
"The NRA
[National Renders Association]
is an American Trade Association, whose business is to promote the
interests of it's members. Members of this association are all in
the business of rendering, i.e. transforming waste from the meat
industry into useable products for animal feeds and technical use."
Magazine: The rendering industry processes or "recycles" animal
by-products such as animal fat, bone, hide, offal, feathers, and
blood into beneficial commodities including tallow, grease, and
protein meals."
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