Animal Rights Poetry and Prose By Heidi Coon
Poetry, prose and articles of compassion dedicated to the non-human animals who share this planet
with us and the people who fight for them.
Poetry By Heidi Coon
- 140°
- Abernathy, a Toulouse Goose
- About Wolves
- A Cautionary Tale
- A Pig's "Unlife"
- Accuracy
- All the nummy food
- Animal eater
- Animal Liberation Activist
- Animal Lover
- Animals are not decorations
- Another round of rogue taxidermy
- Anti-Vegan Argument
- At Every Step of My Life, From Birth, I Have Suffered
- Bacon was a lie
- Blood trail
- Biological carrying capacity
- Buffy - Lucky Duck
- "But my kid loves fishing"
- Cheese was a lie
- Clowns Are to Rodeos what Ronald McDonald Was to McDonald's
- Compassionate Valentine Meals
- Composed
- Contrary
- Corpse Eating Fetish
- Cough
- Cowardboys
- craigslist for people
- Creepy, cruel or demented
- Cursory rhyme
- Darkness, all around me
- Death march
- Death or Prison
- Despise
- Direct Action Chronicles - Rob's Story
- Easter Beast
- Elephant
- Enslaving Ponies
- Ex-Vegans?
- Farms à la Vampire
- Food doesn't comfort each other
- Given free will
- Grace
- Habit
- Happy New Year, Dear Liberationists
- Hate
- Honey is not, nor ever has been, nor will EVER be vegan!
- Horslavery
- Hot Death
- Huffy Human
- Human supremacists
- Hush, little addict
- I Am An Animal Lover
- It ain’t natural habitat
- It's a collaborative effort
- Killing Conscious
- Label
- Living Carousel
- Look. At. Her.
- Meat cult necrovores
- Monarching
- My blood will never buy you grace
- Name an Excuse People Use Not To Go Vegan
- Nexus
- One
- Open letta
- Opiditarod
- People seem to think that chickens are stupid
- Personal choice
- Pilot Whales
- Plea for empathy
- Polemic
- Processing
- Right Outta the Womb
- Scream for it
- Segmented
- Sending sentient signals to flesh eaters through thin air
- Singular imitation
- Smash Speciesism
- Speciesism
- Speciesism is irrational and endless...
- Specious
- Taiji
- Taiji bloody business
- The Normals
- Think for yourself...end speciesism
- This Is Fear
- To Be Vegan is To Be Right
- Total Liberation
- Traditionanal
- Traps are medieval tools of a repugnant, frontieresque trade
- 'Twas the Night before Christmas dinner
- Use the truth to destroy speciesism
- Vegan Jedi
- Vegan Liberationists
- Veridical
- Waging war on a free being, covered in fur
- Weak
- Weighted
- We All Have...
- We Vegans
- Why So Many Animal Characters in Animated Productions?
- You're not an animal lover
Go on to: A Cautionary Tale
Return to Animal Rights Poetry
Unapologetically cutting-edge poetry, prose and short stories for Animal
Liberation. Visit Heidi's blog:
Dig Out Your Soul
and her website
Hunt the Hunters and
Heidi Coon Art.

Heidi and her Nova (the nugget)!