Seeking Good Avoiding Evil
Seeking Good Avoiding Evil Seeking good, avoiding evil is the best way for us to approach life. A Sermon Delivered…
Seeking Good Avoiding Evil Seeking good, avoiding evil is the best way for us to approach life. A Sermon Delivered…
Evil Corrupts Good If We Allow It To Happen “Evil corrupts good if we allow it to happen” is more…
Choose Good Versus Evil God gave us a free will to choose good versus evil. A Sermon Delivered to The…
Standing up to Bullying and Psychological Sadism We have found that most ethical vegans and animal rights people also generally…
Living in the Will of God – 02 God’s Creation Intent To understand what living in the will of God…
Forgiveness Without Sacrifice – Part 04 We closed our previous discussion on forgiveness without sacrifice with a reference to Isaiah…
Good News for Animals We work in the face of the torturous suffering and death of more than 50 billion…
Good in the World Yesterday we talked about the origin of “evil” in the Bible, so today we thought we…
Knowledge of Good and Evil In yesterday’s blog we discussed the fact that the Killing from Ambush is an evil act;…