Challenging Church Compassion – 14: Chased Away “A”

Challenging Church Compassion – 14: Chased Away “A”

Lamb of God
Lamb of God

We recently received a very sad but interesting email from “A” that shows the harm that churches are doing because of their hardness of heart; thus, we believe that this is another reason for challenging church compassion.

From “A’s” perspective, the church is too interested in killing and eating animals, and from the perspective of those who are vegan and don’t eat animals, they want nothing to do with the church or God, because of the church’s indifference to the suffering of animals.

“A” wrote: “Thank you for this site.  I am a Christian vegan who has no friends, mainly because I can’t stand the hedonism I see every day.  I have been vegan for over seven years, Christian for about three.  The two don’t mix.  From Christian singles groups that hold pig roasts to vegans who hate God because of the rampant cruelty inflicted upon animals, I don’t know where to turn.”

For several decades we have heard the churches complain about losing members, and at the same time they don’t want to give up their hardness of heart toward animals that is chasing the people away. Unselfish church compassion is missing. They are like the people whom Paul wrote to in Ephesians 4:17-20.

17. This I say therefore, and affirm together with the Lord, that you walk no longer just as the Gentiles also walk, in the futility of their mind,

18. being darkened in their understanding, excluded from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart;

19. and they, having become callous, have given themselves over to sensuality, for the practice of every kind of impurity with greediness.

It’s the callousness, sensuality, and greediness of the church and its members for flesh, and their indifference to the suffering of the animals that hardens their hearts and chases loving and compassion people who care about animals and don’t eat them away from the church and God.

The church needs to wake up to the suffering they are causing to both animals and the human beings who care about them.

They need to return to being the loving, compassionate, and peacemaking children of God that Jesus calls us to be, who work to free creation from its present corruption and stop contributing to it; and in the process, they will begin to bring people back into the church.

Go on to: Challenging Church Compassion – 15: Chasing Away “S”

Since date


4 thoughts on “Challenging Church Compassion – 14: Chased Away “A”

  1. I so very much agree with “A”. My experience has been that people in the church have ruined church for me. Thank you for having this site. It is so heartening to know there are Christian Vegans out there!

    1. Hi Debra: Thank you for your comments. There are millions of people who feel just as you do about the church. If you know of other stories like this, please send them to us via email, and we’ll publish them in future blogs, and spread the message even further.

  2. I agree too! I don’t go to church because I can’t believe a word they say!

    I feel bad for “A”. and know first hand how people react and how he/she feels. I hope “A” finds lots of friends here! This is a wonderful site and Frank and Mary always have an open ear and heart!

    1. Thank you for the continued encouragement and support. Together we can change the world for the better.

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