Institutionalized Animal Cruelty – Lab: Rockland Inc. – 20130501

As this blog series has been exposing, the following institutionalized animal cruelty report about Rockland Inc. is just another in a series of a seemingly endless line of human caused animal suffering. We need to stop it.
Stop Animal Exploitation Now recently obtained federal reports revealing multiple violations of the Animal Welfare Act at Rockland Inc. (Gilbertsville, PA). A scathing 7-page report (3/26/13) follows a previous 6-page report (3/13/13), both of which cite Rockland for 10 federal violations.
The 20 violation total in a two week time period clearly places Rockland among the nation’s worst labs.
Two rabbits died during the most recent inspection, in which the lab was cited for inadequate veterinary care relevant to at least 12 rabbits and 2 goats. Other violations were relevant to multiple incidents of negligence such as: storing a dead rat in a refrigerator with veterinary medications and the contamination of animal bedding with bird feces.
As part of the most recent inspection report the lab was cited for improper functioning by the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee, inadequate veterinary care, insufficient personnel, improper enclosures, improper sanitation, inadequate facilities, etc.
The 3-13-13 inspection report also lists 10 federal violations. Rockland was cited for improper functioning by the Institutional Animal Care & Use Committee, inadequate veterinary care, unqualified personnel, improper enclosures, improper sanitation, etc.
A key incident in the 3-13-13 inspection highlighted by USDA staff describes the death of a rabbit who was over-bled twice in 7 days, causing death.
Each and every one of us needs to constantly speak out against all forms of institutionalized animal cruelty, for as these Rockland Inc. reports show, there can never be truly humane treatment of animals in laboratories.
Go on to: Institutionalized Animal Cruelty – Lab: Rockland Inc. – 20130523