Institutionalized Animal Cruelty – S: Britt’s Slaughterhouse – 20120517

This is another instance of institutionalized animal cruelty taking place at Britt’s Slaughterhouse.
In the following inspection report obtained by Friends of Animals United (FAUN) through a FOIA request we can clearly see why there can never be any truly humane slaughter or meat.
On 17 May 2012, Britt’s Slaughterhouse, 2782 Drum Rd, Middleport, NY 14105 was inspected by the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The report stated:
Citation: HATS Category VIII: Stunning effectiveness.
On May 17, 2012 at approximately 1030 hours while I, SPHV was performing a livestock humane handling task I observed the following noncompliance. Establishment Owner, Mr. John Britt was attempting to stun a swine that had been loaded into the cattle knock box. The cattle knock box did not limit the free movement of the swine, so that Mr. Britt was able to accurately apply the stunning blow. When Mr. Britt applied his first stun, the swine was hit in the head, but was not stunned. Mr. Britt took immediate corrective actions by reloading his captive bolt gun and successfully applied the second stun within 20 seconds of the first stun attempt. After the second stun, the swine remained unconscious throughout the bleed out period. Mr. Britt was verbally notified of the noncompliance.
9 CFR 313.15 requires that the captive bolt stunner is applied to livestock so that they are rendered immediately unconscious with one attempt, prior to shackling, hoisting, and bleeding.
9 CFR 313.15 also requires that the stunning area is designed to limit the free movement of animals so that the operator can apply the stunning blow with a high degree of accuracy.
Since Mr. Britt took immediate corrective actions after his first stun attempt, and the swine was effectively stunned on the second attempt, this was not considered to be an egregious action. One additional swine was slaughtered following this noncompliance. Mr. Britt restrained the second swine in the swine knocking pen located near the cattle knock box. This swine was stunned effectively with one stun attempt. A review of previous noncompliances did not reveal a noncompliance of similar cause. This document serves as written notification that failure to comply with regulatory requirements may result in further enforcement actions.
See: Friends Of Animals United (FAUN)
Since we have seen this same kind of violation reported in a number of slaughterhouses, it seems to strongly indicate that even the regulations and methods are poorly conceived. Therefore, the only permanent way of stopping the cruelty inflicted upon animals is to stop eating and wearing them, and take the money away from these hard of heart industries. Go Vegan!
Go on to: Institutionalized Animal Cruelty – S: Champlain Beef Inc. – 20120417