Institutionalized Animal Cruelty – S: Tri-Town Packing – 20120221

Institutionalized Animal Cruelty – S: Tri-Town Packing – 20120221

Lamb of God
Lamb of God

This is yet another time we’ve seen Tri-Town Packing repeatedly cited for failure to provide water to animals, which is a violation of the humane treatment of animals. It is proof to us of the failure of the entire government animal welfare system, and the fallacy of people believing that there can ever be humane slaughter or humane meat.

On 21 February 2012, Tri-Town Packing slaughterhouse in Brasher Falls, New York was inspected by the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The report stated:

Citation: At approximately 09:45am this morning, while examining the livestock in the holding pens, I observed the following non-compliance: two pens, one containing several sheep and the other containing two holstein cattle, had no water available. I notified Mr.____ of this non-compliance and immediate corrective action was taken to supply water to the aforementioned livestock. I explained that all livestock need access to water at all times while on the premises.
313.2(e) Animals shall have access to water in all holding pens and, if held longer than 24 hours, access to feed. There shall be sufficient room in the holding pen for animals held overnight to lie down.

See: Friends Of Animals United (FAUN)

We simply don’t understand why the inspector would have to repeatedly “explain” to Tri-Town Packing that animals need access to water at all times. These are simple truths that everyone should know. Is the problem that the people in this industry are so hard of heart that they simply don’t care?

The only way to stop the torture and suffering of animals is to go vegan and tell the world around us about the horrors of all forms of animal exploitation, and encourage others to also stop eating animals.

Go on to: Institutionalized Animal Cruelty – S: Tri-Town Packing – 20120416

Since date


2 thoughts on “Institutionalized Animal Cruelty – S: Tri-Town Packing – 20120221

  1. I am praying for the darkness to lift and that all animals everywhere can live in health and goodness always. They are part of God’s creation that have a purpose to praise the Lord in their own unique way. May all animals be living a life that brings joy and praise to the Lord always!

    1. We, and the animals very much appreciate your heartfelt comments and prayers. We published another one today, The link is above at the end of the blog.

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