Institutionalized Animal Cruelty – S: Tri-Town Packing – 20120416

This is yet another time we’ve seen Tri-Town Packing cited for failure to properly stun animals, which is a violation of the humane treatment of animals (See citation below).
It is proof to us of the failure of the entire government animal welfare system, and the fallacy of people believing that there can ever be humane slaughter or humane meat. And, if it hadn’t been for Friends of Animals United (FAUN) obtaining these reports through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the public would most likely have never heard of these atrocities.
On 16 April 2012, Tri-Town Packing slaughterhouse in Brasher Falls, New York was inspected by the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS). The report stated:
Citation: While providing slaughter inspection at Tri Town Packing, Est. # 04499, the following events took place. At approximately 10:34 am, there were two boar pigs left to stun in the kill floor holding area. [redacted] slaughter floor employee of Tri Town Packing, was unsuccessful in coaxing the next boar pig to be slaughtered into the knocking chute. [redacted] then used a .357 pistol to shoot the next boar pig as it was standing in the kill floor holding area. After the first shot was fired, the two boar pigs vocalized and ran about the kill floor holding area. [redacted] provided immediate corrective action by firing a second shot approximately 5 seconds after the first shot. The second shot killed the boar pig immediately. I immediately asked if the first shot was a complete miss. [redacted] indicated that the first shot grazed the temple area. Given that the boar pig had red hair (Duroc) and had a lot of clotted blood on the head, I was unable to determine if both shots made contact with the boar pig until the head was skinned. After the boar pig carcass was skinned, I examined the head. There was one bullet hole in the correct location on the forehead of the boar pig. This bullet completely penetrated the pigs skull and you could easily pass a ball point pen into the opening. This opening was created by the second bullet. There was a “crater type” depression of the skull about 1/2″ inch above the second bullet’s point of entry. This depression was created by the first bullet. This “crater type” depression was about 1/2″ inch in diameter and tiny bone chips were easily removed but there was no complete penetration of the skull. This is in violation of 9 CFR 313.16(a)(1), the bullet must be delivered so as to produce immediate unconsciousness in the animal by a single shot with a minimum of excitement and discomfort..
See: Friends Of Animals United (FAUN)
This is why we believe it is so important for every caring person to stop buying and eating meat, as a way of taking the money out of the pockets of this cruel industry.
We can stop the torture and suffering of animals.
We can all go vegan and tell the world around us about the horrors of all forms of animal exploitation, and encourage others to also stop eating animals.
Reading this makes me think we are living in “hell” here on earth. How can this be ongoing day in and day out to billions of animals every year. It is insane! I pray for the end to such evil. Heartbreaking!
Joni, we totally agree. There is no middle ground. We are to live in God’s heavenly will, and the people who don’t are following the ways of the devil and cause the hell that you and we see. This is why we need to take a strong strand against all forms of evil.