Baked Beans (Spicy)

Vegan - Vegetarian Recipe Book

How Mary and Frank and Friends Eat

"We are dedicated to cruelty free living through a vegetarian - vegan lifestyle."   "Let no animal die that we may live!"

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Baked Beans (Spicy)


2 lbs. Navy Beans, dry
2 Onions, medium to large size
1 Chipotle Pepper OR Cayenne Pepper and Smoke Flavor, to taste
2 tbsp. Mustard Seed, dry, ground
2 - 6-oz. cans Tomato Paste
1/4 cup Molasses, unsulphured, Barbados
(To enlarge the photo of the baked beans, click on the photo or link)


This recipe makes 6 quarts of spicy baked beans and it can be prepared in a 6-1/2 quart slow cooker (Crock Pot) or in a large covered baking dish or pan in the oven.  If you wish to make a smaller quantity, cut the recipe in half.

If beans give you gas, it is best to presoak the beans in water in a covered pot in the refrigerator over night, and then rinse off the beans before cooking.  If not, follow the instructions below.

Clean and wash the navy beans and place in the slow cooker along with 8 cups of cold tap water.  Set the slow cooker heat to "low".

Wash and peel the onions, cut in chunks, and place in the container of a high speed blender (Vita-Mix type) with 2 cups of water.  Add the chipotle pepper, cover, and run the blender at high speed until the ingredients are smooth.  Stop the blender and add the contents to the slow cooker and mix well.

Cover the slow cooker and let the contents simmer over night.

In the morning, remove the cover from the slow cooker, and add the other ingredients, mix well, re-cover and continue cooking on low for another 3 to 4 hours.

If cooking in a conventional oven at 350 degrees F., place the presoaked, rinsed, and drained navy beans in the baking pan, add the onion and chipotle mixture, and other ingredients, and mix well, cover and bake.  After 2 hours, mix the baked beans, add additional water if necessary, re-cover, and continue to cook until the baked beans are tender.

When the baked beans are nearly finished cooking, taste them, and add a little additional smoke flavor, it desired, mix well and finish cooking.

Serve and Enjoy!

Ingredients Information

Beans, Navy

Molasses, Unsulphured

Mustard Seed, Ground

Onions, Yellow

Pepper - Hot Red, ground (Cayenne)

Peppers, Chipotle

Smoke Flavor, Liquid

Tomato Paste

Utensils and Equipment Information

Crock Pot

Dish, Ceramic Baking


Measuring Cup, Liquid

Measuring Spoons

Pot, Large Stainless Steel

Spoon, Large Mixing
