Spiritual and Inspirational poetry that touch the heart and soul, and provoke the mind.
Visit Lance's website, Poetry With A Mission
About Smiling
A Close Encounter
A Father’s Loving Plea
A Great Idea
A Mystery?
An Anomaly
And Did You Hear About…?
An Incremental Thing
Another Play On Words
A Play On Words
Appealing To Logic
Are You With Me?
A Sad Tradition
As Close As It Gets
Asking For Trouble
A Tale
Badly In Charge
Beauty Beware
Can’t Make It Out
Come Soon, Lord
Could I Have Saved A Child?
Covid-19 Lockdown Poem [YouTube]
Dear Sir
Death That Haunts
Deep And Virulent
Destructive Tongues
Doctor Sunshine
Don’t Blame God
Don’t Bolt It
Earnestly I Pray, Lord
“Excuse Me?”
Figuratively Speaking
Frequently I’ve Wished
Give It Up!
God Of Revelation
God’s Presence
Going, Going…
Grace And Obedience
Hammers And Nails
Hang In There
Hares And Hounds
Hazardous Food
Head Back To Eden
Heartless Confinement
Heaven Yes, Or, Heaven No
Heed The Cries, Lord
Help And Rescue
He Means All The World To Me
He’s Ever Near
High Noon For The Blues
Hi There
Homeward Bound
How I Need Thee
How To Treat Your Wife
Husbands And Wives
I Love You
Imagine Life In Heaven
I’m A Weary Traveller
I’m In A Tizz
Incey Wincey Spider
I Saw Jesus
It Goes Like This
It Matters
It Never Pays
It’s All About Others
It’s Time
It’s Weaning Time
I’ve A Duty, I’ve A Reason
I’ve Surrendered
I Would Rather Err
Just As Guilty
Just Be There
Keep Your Word
Left, Right, Left, Right...
Let's Stop This Evil Cycle
Liquid Poison
Little Boxes
Love Needs You
Love’s The Only Way
Loving The Unlovely
Make A Stand
Meat? No Thanks
Mind That Joke
Mind The Wife You Choose, Son
Mystery Divine
Nature’s Jewellery
Negatively Positive
Ode to Frank And Mary
Oh Yes, There’s A God Alright
Only A Loving Heart
Only Christ
On Thee I Call
Our Body
Planet Earth
Please Help Me To Remember
Pointless Risks
Poles Apart
Pseudo Christians
Put Things Right
Real Love
Real Men
Regarding The Poor
Seventy Times Seven, Plus
Siamese, If You Please
Simply Love Them
Slaughter At Sea
Soap And Water
Something Just Doesn’t Gel
Sticks And Stones
Stop Eating Us!
Such Love
Surprised, I’m Sure We’d Be
Take My Selfish Heart
That Blood-Soaked Cross
That Love Bug
That’s How Much
That Word Sexy
The Beatitudes, Paraphrased/Expanded
The Death Penalty
The Elderly
The Flower
The Healthy Church
The Lord’s Prayer, Paraphrased/Expanded
The Neggs
The Puppy
There’s One Who’ll Help You Through
The Shepherd’s Psalm, Paraphrased/Expanded
The Thoughtless Handshake
The Toy Gun
The Vagrant
This Woman Who’s In Your Life
Those Youngsters
To Judge Or Not To Judge
Toxic Adrenalin
Tugging God’s Heart
Undisciplined Desire
Unlimited Love
Viva La Natural
What A Fish Would Say
What A Fool I’d Be
What On Earth Is Going On?
What’s Better?
What’s Good For The Goose...
When Will It Stop?
Where Are The Men?
White Lies And Pranks
Who? Poem A
Who? Poem B
Who? Poem C
Who? Poem D
Who’s Fooling Who?
Why Must It Take Pain?
Will You Please Think Again
Will You Respond?
Wisdom Is Still Valid
Worth Pondering
Yes, Addicted
You're very special, incredibly precious, totally unique, and scientifically amazing, regardless of your IQ, looks, position, handicap, circumstances, or background, and despite what anyone may say to the contrary.
You're part of a plan, full of potential, a valuable asset, and worthy of time, effort, and love. You're my fellow human, my equal, and we're bound to each other via origin and lineage.
You've been given a chance, an opportunity, and your happiness, even longevity, lies in using it for the benefit of others.
You're not what you were yesterday, but what you choose to be today, and even should that change come later rather than sooner, it's reason to rejoice, and there's still time to leave a favourable lasting impression, a positive contribution.
So, come love with me, laugh with me, cry with me, heal with me, care with me, stand with me, search with me, grow with me, build with me, share with me.
You're needed! You're wanted! We're family.
By Lance Landall
I live in Wellington, the capital city of
New Zealand. Wellington has a lovely harbour. I am married with 6
children. I could say I became a poet by accident, but God knows better.
He clearly had a purpose in mind, via poetry, and I'm humbled that He's
been using me, an unworthy vessal.
He knows that I am greatly concerned by the cruelty, unkindness, etc, that is being shown to His creatures and humankind, and that I'm greatly saddened by the wrong things occurring on this earth, the harm being done to this earth, and the waywardness of those He made in His image [which includes me], which I have tried to address somewhat via my poetry. It is my hope that my poems will stimulate thought, generate discussion, bring about changes, prove a blessing to others, and bring glory to God from whom the ability to pen poems comes.
Visit Lance's website, Poetry With A Mission
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